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Power Apps

When Was Power Apps Launched & Is It Going Away?


Sam Mitrovic

Microsoft continues to invest and build upon the capabilities of PowerApps, a clear sign of their commitment to this platform.

In the modern age of digital transformation, businesses of all sizes continually seek efficient ways to streamline their operations and engage their customers. 

One product that has consistently delivered on this aspiration is Microsoft’s PowerApps.

But when was this game-changing tool launched, and is there any possibility of it going away? Let’s delve into the story of Power Apps.

Key Facts

  • Power Apps was launched by Microsoft in late 2015 to enable businesses to create custom business applications.
  • Microsoft continues to heavily invest in Power Apps, indicating it is not going away.
  • Power Apps is being embraced across various industries, especially by businesses already using Microsoft products. This wide adoption indicates a broad scope of opportunities for professionals with Power Apps skills and business owners or leaders looking to invest in process automation.

PowerApps Launch

Power Apps was launched in late 2015 as a part of Microsoft’s strategic effort to empower businesses to create custom applications with minimal coding effort. 

Positioned within Microsoft’s Power Platform, which includes Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents, Power Apps offers a robust solution for building custom apps quickly and easily.

Low Code / No Code Experience

From the onset, Power Apps provided businesses with the opportunity to create their own apps, irrespective of their coding expertise. 

This democratisation of app development has resulted in unprecedented levels of innovation, enabling organisations to create solutions tailored to their unique needs.

Further Reading:
1. What Is PowerApps?
2. PowerApps Use Cases

Power Apps Current Stand and Future Prospects

There is no information or indication from Microsoft that Power Apps is going away. Instead, Microsoft continues to heavily invest in Power Apps and its entire Power Platform, reflecting a significant commitment to these tools.

Microsoft’s sustained investment in Power Apps indicates the company’s understanding of the platform’s relevance and usefulness to businesses worldwide. 

Frequent updates, new features, and enhanced integration capabilities with other Microsoft products are regular aspects of Power Apps’ developmental roadmap [1].

What Is the Future of Microsoft PowerApps?

The signs indicate a bright future for Microsoft Power Apps. 

Microsoft continues to heavily invest in the development and expansion of Power Apps. It is part of the larger Microsoft Power Platform which includes Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents, showing Microsoft’s commitment to providing a comprehensive suite of business tooling. 

Future enhancements will likely include more integration capabilities with other Microsoft products and continued improvements in usability and features.

What Did PowerApps Replace?

Microsoft Power Apps didn’t directly replace any specific product. 

Instead, it filled a gap in the market for a low-code, user-friendly platform that enables quick app development for business needs. 

However, it can be seen as a successor to tools like Microsoft Access and InfoPath in providing easy ways for users to create business applications and forms.

Power Apps has been gaining popularity across various industries. It has been particularly embraced by businesses that are part of the Microsoft ecosystem and use other Microsoft products like Microsoft 365, SharePoint, and Dynamics 365. 

The platform’s low-code approach, enabling non-developers to build functional apps quickly, has contributed to its growing popularity.

Power Apps and the ‘Citizen Developer’ Revolution

Microsoft’s Power Platform, including Power Apps, is designed to foster the rise of ‘citizen developers’ – non-technical business users who can create, innovate, and solve problems using custom applications [2]. 

Power Apps empowers businesses to accelerate their digital initiatives by reducing dependence on traditional IT development resources, promoting rapid solution development in response to business needs.

Why Not to Use PowerApps?

While PowerApps has many advantages, there are certain situations where it may not be the best choice:

  • Complex Applications: PowerApps is designed for simplicity and ease of use, so it might not be suitable for developing applications with complex, custom logic or advanced UI requirements.
  • Offline Use: Although PowerApps does offer some offline capabilities, they are limited. If your application requires robust offline functionality, PowerApps might not be the best fit.
  • Cost: While PowerApps is included in several Microsoft 365 subscriptions, using it extensively, especially the model-driven apps or the ones that require premium connectors, can become costly especially for small businesses.

So, Is Power Apps Going Away?

Given the consistent and ongoing investments by Microsoft, it appears that Power Apps is here to stay. 

The tool has gained wide acceptance across industries due to its user-friendly nature, integrability, and robust functionality, making it an essential part of modern business toolkits.

As we move forward, Power Apps and the entire Power Platform are expected to further evolve, offering more features, enhanced usability, and new integration possibilities. 

The goal remains the same: to empower every business user to create solutions that help their organisations innovate and grow.


How Long Has PowerApps Been Around?

PowerApps was launched by Microsoft in late 2015. So, as of 2023, it has been around for nearly 8 years.

The Bottom Line

Since its launch in late 2015, PowerApps has become a significant player in the realm of business application development. Its future looks promising as Microsoft continues to invest heavily in the platform, ensuring its place as a pivotal tool in the era of digital transformation. 

For businesses, the ability to harness the power of Power Apps and the broader Power Platform offers tremendous opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and growth.

Sam Mitrovic

About the author

Sam Mitrovic is the Founder and Director at CloudJoy. Sam is a marketer, builder and IT consultant. He has consulted large government organisations, venture backed start ups and everything in between.